You Make Me Smile

Yes, you, faithful reader. You make me smile. But also I’ve had that song stuck in my head for a long time because last week was my brother’s wedding!

The song has nothing to do with his wedding. But! I made a gift for him that does. See, he’s got a better job than we do, a house, has lived on his own (with roommates) for quite a while, so the typical “get your household ready” items for a wedding didn’t feel appropriate. So instead I gave them something for their walls.

I got this pattern from The Stitch Patterns and thought it looked appropriate and pretty so I spent time the last few months working on it.

Cross stitch, still in an embroidery hoop, spelling You Make Me Smile in large cursive letters with a background of pink-petaled flowers

I’ve added some more detail work including the date of their wedding around the edges but I’m going to leave it at this publically.

Those of you familiar with my cross-stitching work may ask “So did you make any mistakes on this one?” To which I respond “Just look at it! Does it look like I messed it up? Hardly! Which is incredible because I did. A lot.” Fortunately the mistakes were able to be swallowed by the looser nature of the pattern. And the important part, the meaning, still comes through bright and clear.

By the time you read this, it’ll be framed and delivered and maybe even on their wall. In any case, much love to my brother (he knows who he is) and his new wife (with whom I look forward to getting better acquainted).

Intellectual Property of Elizabeth Doman
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