Dragon Die

cross stitch of a dragon silhouette with a sunset in the background inside a d20 frame

One of my friends is a big cross-stitcher. Earlier this year she finally persuaded me to pick it up when she showed me patterns she’d found for mini iterations of classic art pieces. I did a Starry Night one first.

You might notice this picture is not Starry Night. Very astute of you. No, this is my second project, when I decided I knew enough to make my own pattern.

It wasn’t super hard to get it started; I needed an idea, a grid, and a way to lay them over each other. I made an outline of a d20 first then drew a dragon on my drawing software (I use Krita), then overlaid the grid and filled in the squares with color, then traced over them on a new layer and labeled that with the colors I wanted… so not super hard but probably kind of labor intensive and I’m sure not the easiest way to make a pattern.

Nonetheless, I’m gifting you with said pattern. It’s… not gonna be easy to read. I’d apologize but hey, it’s my first go and it worked well enough. I didn’t use specific DMC colors because I used the grab-bag of colors I’d already gotten, so match if you’d like or do your own thing.

pixellated grid-image of the cross stitch dragon in color
Color Pattern
black and white sketch of the cross stitch pattern
Black and White pattern

Intellectual Property of Elizabeth Doman
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