Something Fishy

Less reading today! I have been drawing and crafting at least as long as I’ve been writing, and surprise, it takes practice to get good there too. So today I’ve got some pictures for you.

I’ve been trying to develop myself as an artist. I don’t plan to use this as an income stream nor use it in my books though I may use it in other ways. But as such, I’ve tried branching out from my normal style.

A goldfish with a worried expression

I used the above tutorial because, as I told my daughter, when you’re learning, it’s valuable to look to people who know more than you and have different experiences and styles. I’m pretty pleased with the result. It’s certainly different than my style and they had some interesting tricks I hadn’t thought of. I also used some methods I like that they didn’t use. I think it was a valuable experience either way.

For comparison, here’s a picture I did about this time last year; the subject is this idea I had of “what happens to all the stories that people create that are never recorded?” So I made this fae? otherworldly being? who collects all the stories in her interdimensional library garden.

A woman wearing a purple and blue cloak of stars holding a book; behind her are bookshelves.

Which may not be an utterly fair comparison. They’re very different subject matter. So to muddy the waters further, here’s another one I did a while back of Mary Poppins as a werewolf.

Mary Poppins' outfit on a wolf. She's leaning on her umbrella.

Why are these here? Well, for a few reasons. Practice, certainly. Description, of course. Showing off/sharing? Maybe a bit. But mostly, I am trying intentionally to get over a mental block of mine. I am, honestly, very proud of my work- art, fiction, etc. But I’m reluctant to share it because I’m worried someone else will critique it. You know, tell me I’m not as awesome as I’m confident that I am. But if I can’t take (good, accurate, helpful) criticism I’m never going to improve. So here’s some sharing!
(this would be more effective if I allowed comments but I’m trying to avoid bots! I’ll open up a venue to discuss somewhere in a little while.)

Intellectual Property of Elizabeth Doman
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