Writing Prompt: Airplane

Today I’ve gone the “Random Photo” route of getting a writing prompt and ran across this photo:

A forest of dark green pine treesin nearly uniform colors form a pattern, broken by the abrupt appearance of a stark white and blue airplane on the forest floor.
Photo credit: David Kovalenko, Unsplash.com

Today’s writing prompt may be slightly short, as a warning.

“Hey Jim, thanks for inviting me on this hike!”
“No problem, Doug, it was a beautiful day just begging to be explored.”
“I love how on hikes you can never tell what you’re going to find around the next bennnn… okay, but usually not that.”
“What’s up, Dou- oh. I see.”
“How did that even get here?”
“Maybe it crashed?”
“But I’d expect more, like, plane damage if that happened, you know?”
“Yeah and the trees behind it are all the same size as the trees around it; you’d expect it to have plowed some over on impact.”
“Should we, like, go inside?”
“I dunno, kinda makes me nervous. Maybe we’d better just leave it alone?”
“Y- yeah. Let’s just… keep going. Or maybe turn around now?”
“I’m okay with that, lets get outta here.”

Several years prior:

“Sir, I don’t understand. You’ve lived modestly all your life and now you’re spending a large portion of your savings on, let me see if I’ve got this correct, disassembling and reassembling a plane in the middle of a forest you own. In private. May I ask- Why?
“You see, Carruthers, when I die I’m donating this land to the state with conditions it be used as a bird sanctuary and hiking area. Can you imagine the look on those poor shmuck’s faces when they turn a corner and see an entire plane in the forest? Now hand me that wrench.”

Intellectual Property of Elizabeth Doman
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