I’m Lucky

Honestly that last post, while true, is a little bit “first world problems”-y. I brought most of that on myself and made choices that led there. And I want to acknowledge that.

I’m lucky. Blessed. Fortunate. However you want to put it.

I’m lucky I have a car. I’m lucky I have parents who wanted to and were able to help us out with the loan after our last car got a little crumpled. (Long story, not going into it now.) I’m lucky it’s a quite nice car and the only problem with it was one I could fix. I’m lucky Youtube is around to show me how to do things like that.

I’m lucky I have three wonderful kids who can and are interested in doing fun activities like summer school and martial arts. I’m lucky we have programs here that they can participate in, and that the school system offers free summer school and free summer lunches for the kids.

I’m lucky I have two wonderful energetic dogs and two affectionate cats who are quite healthy overall. I’m lucky I have the resources to get the medical equipment for them when they need it.

I’m lucky Grandma is in town, wants to spend time with the kids, can spend time with the kids, and they enjoy spending time with her. And learning piano as an added benefit to both.

I’m lucky my husband has a job that lets me stay home during the day so I can take care of the kids, and the dogs, and the cats, and the house (to an extent), and write.

Do I have problems? Who doesn’t? But even when I’m feeling life pull me in all sorts of directions, it’s important to occasionally acknowledge. I’m in a good place. I’m really truly lucky.

Black and white tabby cat sitting upright in a small red box that barely fits her for the Mario Chess game laid out in the background behind her.

Thanks for reading, have a Cat in a Box.

Intellectual Property of Elizabeth Doman
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